CGI visual of a modern garden design for Rae Wilkinson


Tim works with many contemporary design studios whose specialism is modern residential landscape and garden designs.

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CGI visuals created for a garden design proposal by Matthew Childs (above) and Anthony Paul (below).
soon after finishing his garden design diploma in 2016, Tim worked with Anthony Paul Landscape Design – somewhat of a pioneer of contemporary garden design. Tim continues to work with Anthony and many other leading contemporary designers. He relishes the challenge of bringing complicated designs to life, ensuring the varying styles of designers' planting and landscaping schemes shine through.
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Tim quickly understood our studio's style, his excellent 3D drawing talents enable us to develop our designs and then convey them clearly to our clients. He is a pleasure to work with.

Anthony Paul, Landscape Designer

CGI visuals created for garden design proposals by Rae Wilkinson.

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Visuals for Shovel and Spade (above) and Matthew Childs (below).

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To find out more about commissioning Tim to create visualisations for a garden design project, drop him an email or give him a call.
Above and below: CGI visuals created for two of Pip Collier's modern garden designs.

> get in touch

> next: show gardens

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